Wellspect Koulutus on laaja valikoima eritasoisia koulutusaineistoja perusopetusmateriaalista alkaen sinulle, joka tapaat virtsarakon ja suoliston toimintahäiriöistä kärsiviä potilaita.
Wellspect Koulutus on laaja valikoima eritasoisia koulutusaineistoja perusopetusmateriaalista alkaen sinulle, joka tapaat virtsarakon ja suoliston toimintahäiriöistä kärsiviä potilaita.
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Take part of clinical evidence that speaks to the improved outcomes of using TAI in pediatric patients when coupled with an individualized approach upon initiation of TAI.
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Debbie Green, SIA:n selkäydinvamma-asiantuntija, käsittelee joitakin selkäydinvammautuneiden henkilöiden virtsarakon ja suolen hallintaan liittyviä ongelmia.
key:global.content-type: Julkaisun kohokohta
In this publication highlight you can read about how to manage bowel dysfunction in individuals with cauda equina syndrome.
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Take part of clinical data on transanal irrigation as a mean to manage neurogenic bowel in the pediatric population with Spina Bifida
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Transanal irrigation's influence on gut microbiota could have a positive effect on the immune system and contribute to reduced UTIs, as per this clinical study by Futura et. al.
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Clinical Nurse Specialist, Liam Rice addresses key questions around Bladder and bowel management in MS
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Bev Collins (Clinical nurse lead, Wellspect) kertoo mitä autonominen dysrefleksia (AD) on, selittää joitakin tämän oireyhtymän tärkeimpiä syitä tai laukaisevia tekijöitä ja autonomisen dysrefleksian oireita.
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Learn more about what cauda equina syndrome is, its effects on bladder and bowel, and how to manage bladder and bowel symptoms in cauda equina.
In this publication highlight you can read about the identification, assessment, and treatment of urinary incontinence and bowel control issues.
Keeping up-to-date and determining the veracity of scientific articles and clinical studies can be overwhelming, so we’ve put together a checklist to help you.
key:global.content-type: Artikkeli
Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) refers to a broad constellation of symptoms and anatomical changes related to abnormal function of the structures within the pelvic floor complex, which includes the supportive fibrous tissue called fascia, the blood and nerve supply and in particular the pelvic floor musculature.