Life with Navina Irrigation when you suffer from Bowel Dysfunction - Arabic

This guide was made for anyone who has been prescribed the 
therapy bowel irrigation, also known as Transanal Irrigation 
(TAI), for your bowel dysfunction. Our aim is to give you greater 
knowledge about your bowel, available treatments and more 
specifically, about bowel irrigation. 

We believe that bowel irrigation is a good option, as we have met 
many people whose everyday lives have been improved using 
the therapy. Through bowel irrigation they have regained their 
confidence and control, without thinking too much about their 

We have gathered knowledge and insights from healthcare 
professionals, and scientific experts. We have also talked to  
many users about their experiences. One user story has  
been included in this guide, but more testimonials and other  
information are available at 

We hope this guide will give you knowledge,  
insight and motivation to start using bowel irrigation!


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